Late at night I get a call from Ravens mother. She tells me in a very cryptic voice to tell my man not to write to his uncle and ask him to do a favor for him. When I ask why? She tells me to tell Raven because his uncle is now a snitch and that he would rat him out. Rat him out! What the hell could he rat him out for. Now as most of you already know, my baby has been incarcerated since 1995. What the hell could be out there for that long?
So when Raven calls for his nightly call I ask "Hey baby what's up" Then proceed to tell him what his mother said. How I am worried. What would cause him to go behind my back, to find out information from his mother. He knows I have his uncle's address and that I have been in contact with him for a letter supporting parole. Needless to say the discussion was on. I asked him what was the reason he needed to be in contact with his uncle. He hasn't been in contact for 11 years so why now? He tells me that some information has gotten back to him from his hometown. His name has come up in connection with "something". Now in prison lingo, "Something" is never good. Now I am in a full blown freak out. It's the new Cree inquisition. What, why how, when? Now not much can be said on a recorded line. For those that don't know all phone calls from prison are over a recorded line. So you never know when they are listening to every word you say. So I ask him to write me with all the information. He says he will either today or tomorrow. Wait a minute. " Baby, Please promise me you will write it tonight and have it in the mail tomorrow." I say. Raven asks wouldn't you rather have something to read on Saturday, I could write it today or tomorrow and you would have it by then. "Oh no, I want you to promise that you will write it tonight and mail it in the morning. Please I don't ask for much" I most definitely want it as soon as possible. "ok, I promise to write it today and mail it tomorrow" He says. Ok that satisfies me for now. The MCI guy comes on and the phone call is over, our 15 minutes is up.
Later in the evening, I am sitting at work trying to think and not succeeding. We, those of us involved with convicts, have all read horror stories about men getting ready to get out. Basically hitting the gate and having some kind of hold on them from another county or state. A pending case that has to be tried. So while they are suppose to be coming home, they get held at some new institution waiting the trial. Or maybe even worse coming home for a week or two and having to go back. What could it be. Are the statute of limitations up? How involved, if any is he? Ok now I just have to wait till I speak with him again. The next call comes on my lunch hour at work. So all within the bounds of a recorded line I am trying to find out why my man feels it necessary to go behind my back to find out this information. Now I know by his voice, when I offer to contact the people he wants to contact, that it will be a cold day in hell before I ever talk with any of them. Which leads me to believe that he shouldn't be contacting them either. Sometimes it's better to let sleeping dogs lie. When I press him further for why he went to his mom with out letting me know. He said he didn't want me to worry. The last time he did something like this was almost a year ago. I was in California and he was in the hole. Now supposedly I didn't know he was in the hole. But as my best friend will tell you I knew. Almost to the hour he was taken to the hole, I knew. Yet I was getting letters over thanksgiving that said. Life is fine, nothing new here, blah, blah, blah. Men! Lets try and not make the woman worry so what happens. We worry, more then if we had just been informed of the situation in the first place. So the long and the short of the story is. If he would have just told me what's going on before going to the drama queen. On a side note can I just say the she loves to cause drama between Raven and I. She is always telling me things that she thinks will cause issues. Issues that may cause trouble. They never cause serious issues. Raven and I communicate when things like this come up. The only thing is. What else could he be hiding from me. I have found out twice that he will "protect" me from worrying. What else is he "protecting" me from. I would rather just know from him. Had he told me first I would have worried, but not as much as I worry now. So now I just await "The letter".