Raven decided on the title of this entry, I am not sure he is going to be happy with the contents. As much as I love Raven I don't know how to take his family. His mother came to Ohio on Wednesday of last week and stayed till Sunday. While I like her for her straightforward attitude and speech; some of the things she says are a little off putting. First off when they first arrived it was Mom, Aunt and a nephew B. Now B being a kid who was in the car for hours was a little rambunctious,
When I asked him not to jump on the furniture, Mom came over and screamed "You better Fucking listen or I will beat your ass." Now considering my mother would not say shit with a mouth full, my roommate and I were pretty shocked. Now as you know I swear pretty regularly but I wouldn't think of swearing at or infront of a child. That was the first in a long line of things that had me thinking. During the time Mom and I spent together she proceeded to tell me how she broke Raven's nose and punctured his ear drum. Said she broke his older brothers nose also. I don't understand hitting a child with that kind of force. But I guess thats just me. She spoke of doing drugs with her sons and giving them their first tattoos when they were 12. Now I have done a lot of things with my parent, drugs and tattoos never came up on the list of family outings.
I took her to a neighboring city to hook her up with Aunt for the ride home to FL.
On that little excursion I met others of the family. KS who Raven considers a sister, C who is Raven's bestfriend/brother's widow, and a beautiful 4 year old girl. After taking some pictures to send to Raven we were sitting around the kitchen table talking when they all lit up a little weed. Ok now considering I am ex law inforcement, I don't indulge, nor do I really care if they do, But I am a little concerned about smoking in front of a 4 year old, or for that matter any child. I know that a lot of children try drugs, I have tried them myself. I always knew they were wrong. When children don't know they are wrong there is no benefit to stopping. If the adults in their life do drugs, chances are they will continue to do drugs till they are cought. While the family wasn't horrible to talk with, in fact they were pretty nice, at least most of them. The problem comes along when the children brought up with drugs and violence hit adult hood they usually are continueing to do drugs and to be violent. They don't know that it is wrong. When grown ups don't know drugs and violence is wrong they end up, addicted, dead or in prison. None of which is the way Raven and I want our children to end up. I believe we will break the cycle this generation. Raven has promised not to go back to drugs and I don't believe he would ever hit our children, he has a gentle soul. So maybe it will end with us. Except he does have a brother that continues to drink and do drugs. So maybe it will continue one more generation.