Saturday, June 30, 2007

Our first visit, Our first photo.

First visit6/27/07.jpg
Originally uploaded by ravenslove
This is the first ever picture of Raven and I. I left from work so I was not looking my best. Raven said I was the most beautiful woman in the room, no the world. I think he is a little biased.

I went to visiting on 6/27/07. I waited an hour while some truck on the yard made a delivery. One hour sitting in a prison visiting room by your self is a long time, you can do a lot of thinking in an hour. As I was sitting there thinking that is you had told me 8 years ago that I would be sitting in a prison visiting room waiting for my husband to come through the door. I would have told you to stop smoking crack. Here I sit, madly in love with my husband, happy and excited to be there. I thank the Great Spirit on a daily basis for my husband. Then he walks through the door. My heart beats faster. My whole body tingles and I smile from ear to ear.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Taking advantage of good news.

Ok so the new update is the New Warden at NCCI in Ohio approved our visitation. They approved me on the 26th and I went to visit on the 27th and my boss gave me off the 29th so I am visiting again. It was so wonderful to see him. The funny thing was I was sitting waiting for him to come in to visiting and thought. "If someone had told me 6 years ago I would be sitting in a prison waiting for my husband I would have told them to stop smoking crack. Then he walked in the door, made his way over to me and took me into his arms and all the crap over the 3 1/2 years melted away. This entire journey has made us stronger and more in love. IT WAS ALL WORTH IT.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Finally more good news!

Billy with dobie.jpg
Originally uploaded by ravenslove
We have been fighting for over three years. Writing, arguing and doing everything we know how to get visits. Being turned down by three different wardens and being treated like shit by all of them. We have grown closer and more in love over these three years. Now with 41 days and a wake up before my husband comes home the new warden has approved us for visits. Not a moment to soon,

Oh isn't he sexy, woof!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

All most over?

After three and a half years we got the answer we were looking for. The board voted to release Raven August 8, 2007. Needless to say we are very excited and pleased.

The idea that my husband will be home within two months is still amazing to me. We are entering a new phase in our relationship. One were the MCI guy is a thing of the past. Where the ODRC has nothing to say about when we talk or visit. My husband has been down 13 years. So for a day now I have been thinking about all the things that will be new to him.

How do you explain the internet to a person who has never used the computer.

Will a cell phone be totally foreign to him? When he went in only business men and salesmen had cell phones then they were huge in a bag. Remember them?

Will the idea of $3 dollar gas make him stand back and say What the hell? Things have changed dramatically since 1995.

He went in a single boy with a lot of issues, and is coming out a married man with a family, job and pets.

We have been through some horrible times. Things people should not have to deal with. Now I know some of you would say if he didn't get into trouble it wouldn't be that way. You are right he was in a situation were he was committing a crime. Two to be exact. The unfortunate part is he is totally innocent of the crime that cost him the most time. If you believe that he deserved everything he got then I suppose you believe I deserve it as well just for loving him. So be it. Truth is now we can move on and live our lives together.

Do I think it's going to be happy ever after. In a way yes, Oh I know we will have things and problems that come up. I am just praying that if we communicate and deal with them together that we will eventually hit the happy ever after. At least for brief moments in time. Thats all anyone can ask for whether you met your husband in the waiting room of a hospital and he is a Dr., behind the prosecutors table and he is a lawyer, or in prison and he is a ex- convict.

So we are ready to start this next ride. In 52 and a wake up to be exact.