Just a few thoughts. I've noticed that many people on these boards are very spiritual and filled with faith. On behalf of the marginalized, the people that Jesus spent most of his time with, I'd like to point out that on the cross, he turned to the criminal on his right and said "Well done good and faithful servant for today you will be with me in paradise." Jesus on that day did not take an honest man with him to "heaven." He took a criminal.
C. S. Lewis wrote that his opinion of the final judgment is that "bad" people will be stripped of everything that made them bad, such as upbringing, genetics, drugs, society, etcetera and he will be judged on the goodness that remains. "Good" people will be stripped of everything good and what will be left is judgment, persecution, hate, fear, apathy, etcetera. They will be judged on that. Lewis wrote, "We will be very surprised to see who makes it into heaven and who doesn't."
Oscar Wilde wrote his "De Profundis" while he was in prison wherein he noted that society holds the saint as the closest possible approach to the perfection of God. Jesus, in forgiving the criminal, taught us that the sinner is the closest possible approach to the perfection of man.
Blessed are those who love felons.
Blessed more are those who grant them acceptance, employment and a second chance. 7 times 70 times.
Heres the most beautiful American Indian man I know. I love my felon.