Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Now that I have your attention let me explain. One of the many things about loving an inmate is the insecurities that come from not knowing your man on the outside. I belong to a group called PTO (prison talk online), a organization for loved ones of the incarcerated. Many times on the web site you will hear of men coming home after a long period of incarceration. You read about the happiness of their mates when they walk through that gate to freedom. Then many times not to long into the future you will read how that same man left the women who stood beside him for how ever long it had been.
The mate tries to understand, tries to give space to the newly free person. It doesn't seem to work. Eventually the former inmate leaves that person. Usually to go to a new person or my favorite, their baby's momma. What is left behind is a person who doesn't know her own worth, some one who thinks that all that love and support was wasted. Because she doesn't deserve to be loved. This happens more often then not. Rarely do you read that the couple live happily ever after.
Now back to the title, my best friend D and I were speaking on Tuesday. We were commenting on something her man said. He wondered out loud, if he would want to be with someone else when he got out. Now she knows that he was actually asking for reassurance in their relationship. But it still feeds in to the insecurities. We were also talking about something Raven said. Raven and I were talking about famous people we met. He said jokingly that I should always carry a camera so I can send him pictures of the famous people I run into. So far ok, then like any good man he had to say something stupid. The next comment was make sure if I run into Anna Nicole Smith or Jeanine Jamison (a porn star) make sure to send him tittie shots. Now considering that most of American women have body issues. That is not the thing to say too any women. Definitely not the thing to say to someone who just went through the whole Raven's friend and the Knife incident. I had been told a bunch of things that would happen once Raven was released. Then that comment, what these men don't seem to understand is that these kind of comments feed into our insecurities and the fears that we are giving everything, our heart, our love, and will be left in the end. Left for someone younger with perfect breasts, or worse the baby's momma. Waiting how ever long we wait to be just another statistic on PTO.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello, I am printing this out and sending it to him as well!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005  

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