Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Ok maybe I am going to have to be the man.

My phone bill was $445.00 this month. Thank you correctional MCI billing. When my baby calls me I have to pay for the call. As much as Raven and I miss each other and love each other, we talk a lot. When he was first able to call me he told me that he was going to have to put his foot down and "be the man" because he didn't want my phone bill to be outrageous. That was then and this is now. I told him just this week that we are going to have to cut back on our phone calls (except super phone sex Sunday). In the past I have told him that we need to stay under $100 dollars a month. I let him set the schedule and make the calls. Like I have any control over when he makes the calls. Ok that lasted for approximately 2 days. You see while I freely admit that I am addicted to my man and his sexy voice.
He has always said that our calls are all for my benefit. He is all about how much I need him and his calls. Ok don't tell him this is our little secret but he is right. Now I try not to let him know that he is right to often. I don't want to have to turn in my female card. Anyways Sunday we decided that he would only call Wednesday night and on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday. That would lower the bill a lot. So Monday comes along and he calls. He didn't want me to miss him first thing in the week. He says I will talk with you Wednesday. I say ok Babyboy.
The phone rings Tuesday morning and the first thing he says is "Ok so I am weak,"
I laugh and say I love you Shika. We have a talk and he hangs up after the MCI dude says our time is up. I laughed all the way down the stairs. You see that is the first time he has admitted to me that these calls mean as much to him as they do to me. YIPEE. That is the good news the bad news is my bill is not going to be much less if we keep this up. It's just there is no way I could hear the Raven phone ring and not pick it up. No way I could not except the charge for talking to my man. I think I will be paying off my phone bills when he comes out on parole.
Hope they take payments. In the mean time maybe I will have to put my foot down and be the man. Ok Honey, Just kidding.


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