Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Bobbiejoebillysueteenamarie and the phone call.

So last night I get a call from my mans' mom. She wants me to call Bobbie Joe. Incase you haven't read the baby mama drama post. That would be Raven's son Joey's mother. Now some of you may know that nothing good can come from a call to the baby's mama. It's kind of like a car accident. You know you shouldn't look yet you slow down and stare. You know there is absolutely no reason to talk to your man's ex; but she may just give you that interesting little tidbit of information that you would never get anywhere else, and you can't live with out. yea right. Just in case anybody doubts the intentions of an ex girlfriend of their men. let me tell you right now they are not concerned with either you or your man being happy and well cared for. oh they will sound like they just want the men to be happy and their are glad they are with someone who loves and cares about them. they are lying, just pumping for information. They could give a shit about you and your men. Ok let me clarify that they could give a shit about you. The man is a whole other issue. Let me stop sounding like a lecture and start sounding like a woman who has a bad night followed by a not so good day. Bobbie Joe didn't care about what I thought or what my relationship is with Raven. It started like a normal conversation she told me all about Joey's and how he does in football and in school all things I thought I could pass on to Raven. Then somehow the conversation turned and she was informing me of every charge and crime that she could think of about Raven. Now my man and I do not have any secrets
from each other, or so I thought. I knew about everything she said, except the sentence, Oh yea I got a letter from Raven the other day. Then she proceeds to read the letter out loud to me. There was a section in there referring to me as his girlfriend. Now Raven and I have called each other husband and wife for 9 months now. The funny part of this whole situation is that I told him to write to her and his son. So why when I asked him did he say no I haven't written her. When its obvious by the date on her letter that he lied to me. Never would I have thought that could happen. So I make it through the night after talking with Bobbie Joe and call my best friend D. She and I talked long enough for me to calm down and think about how the conversation would go with Raven in the morning.
The call came in at about 8:30 a.m. it started like a regular day, Hi baby, I love you, I love you too, babyboy. So how are you today? fine. So then he asks the question that opens the flood gates, Baby you don't seem like my cheerful wife today. So I ask, do I sound like a cheerful girlfriend? So he knew something was up. I told him about the conversation with Bobbie Joe. Asked him why he felt he had to lie about writing her. He had no answer at first. Tried to say he didn't lie. I told him not to compound the problem. I knew the truth. It was definitely a rough day at the home today. One of the issues with a relationship with a convict is the insecurities that come with having met him while he is down. You hear a lot of stories about how inmates will use women on the outside and when they are let out they will dump them. This whole drama plays on those insecurities. It's not about the time or the money involved with the relationship, it's about the heart, the soul and the love. I adore my husband, love him with all my being, so to hear him refer to me as a girlfriend to the woman who had his child was painful, to say the least. So I did what every good women does faced with something like this, I cried, allot. He tried to defend his position, tried to make me feel better. I told him I just didn't have it in me to try and make him feel better right now that it had to be about me. I needed him to pay attention and answer my concerns. I asked him if he really wanted to be with me, to come home to me, when he gets out. He said yes, asked" why would I want to loose the only woman has ever loved me for me, stood by me and believed in me. The only person I can trust and who I will love forever." I asked him that is a good question, why would you lie to me about something as small as a letter. I already told you to write her so you can contact your son. Then the MCI guy came on and said that we had 10 seconds left on this call. Since I was crying I didn't even hear the MCI dude. Didn't get a chance to say I love you Shika. Click dead air. Lock down. He had 3 hours to think.
The next call was very different. The first thing out of his mouth was, "So baby, have you decided that I am not worth all this trouble, are you going to leave me?" Every now and then that question comes up. It always breaks my heart. I told him no I would not leave him, that as hurt and angry as I was I still loved him with all my heart. That I would always be here for him and would always be his wife. Then like any good wife I put the nail in the coffin, with "Maybe you should remember that the next time you write bobbiejoebillysueteenamarie."


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