Monday, February 21, 2005

sheep, sheep and more sheep

I am a phone operator for a call center that deals with people all day every day.
Let me explain, I don't call you, you call me. Usually you were stupid enough to cash a check, it may have been a whopping $2.50, $2.75 or $5.00. Now I understand if people would give me free money I would take it. But is it really necessary for you to call and be rude to a human who is just trying to make a living and survive. I also understand that you may be angry because you were too stupid to remember to cancel in the 30 days free trial period. But come on people didn't your mom ever teach you to be nice. I really like the people who will call up and say yes I did cash the check I needed cigs and that was all I had. Now I would like to cancel. Now I still have to pitch them and try to have them keep the service but I appreciate the honesty. That is the other thing I need to tell all you rude people and that is it's my job. Now I am not letting you stand between me and my paycheck I have to eat and have a place to live. So shut the hell up and deal.
Now the people I hate second to the ones I have just told you about are the ones who call all pissed off and wanting to cancel. After talking with them and dealing with their boo boo feelings. I explain the benefits and ask the infamous question "ok mr sheep, I am going to keep your membership active, OK?" when they say ok we now have a save, more money in my paycheck and you will have to call back when you see the next bill come across your desk. At which point you will be calling me again and we will go through the same bs. Maybe I should just answer the phone. BAA BAA BAA.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How true is your story!! I loved it. One day a month would be great to just forget every mannor my mother ever taught. To just go off on all the rude asses!!

Saturday, April 02, 2005  

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