Evil Kitty

Cochise 4/7/06
Originally uploaded by ravenslove.
So today I got a kitty, Blue Seal Point, also physco as hell. I forgot how much fun baby's are. All the energy followed by sleep episodes that last all to brief. Now those of you who have read my blog may remember I have a large shaggy dog. The two of them are now trying to get use to each other. Lupina can't figure out how her favorite toy came to life and why he won't play with her. Coshise is looking at Lupina like King Kong just arrived to take Fay Ray. The funniest part of it is that when Lupina lays down, Coshise sits about 4 inches in front of her paws. He is almost falling asleep. Just trying to stay awake and watch the dog. Then all of a sudden He runs like a mad cat around the house. He also has an uncanny interest in my lap top. I'm not sure if he is typing this or am I. This is going to be an interesting journey. But for right now Cochise is just quietly sleeping on my chest.
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